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Curtis Instruments
Advanced electric vehicle technology.
Instrumentation, motor speed controllers, inverters, integrated systems, drive systems and engineering support for electric vehicle designers.

Curtis Instruments India Pvt. Ltd is a 42-year-old company with more than 1000 employees worldwide and with their headquarters in UK. Curtis is the manufacturer of Speed Controllers, Instrument Products, Contactors, etc.

Our company is representing M/s Curtis all over southern India. We are backed by many trained service engineers, who are efficient to undertake any retro fittings and other repair works. The company has its liaison office in Chennai, which enables us to cover entire Southern Region. We undertake Panel manufacturing for various applications conversions of control assemblies service and repair of all types of controllers.
The Curtis AC  controllers provides advanced control of AC induction motors performing on-vehicle traction drive or hydraulic pump duties and offers the highest levels of functional safety.

The Curtis 'SE' AC controllers utilize the latest technology to increase the peak current ratings for each size of controller. For a given rating, the SE models are smaller and lower cost,  that are highly advantageous for all types of applications.
Curtis Model A/R SepEx®  and PMC controllers are programmable and microprocessor based, with an advanced MOSFET power section for smooth and seamless control of separately excited motors.
The Curtis Model 1212 Motor Speed Controller provides precise and smooth control of permanent magnet drive motors for battery powered vehicles.
Curtis Models DC Series  Controllers are fully programmable controller  performing on-vehicle traction or pump duties. These microprocessor-based MOSFET controllers add flexibility and versatility to the time-proven Curtis series motor controller family.
Curtis Programmer
The Curtis Programmer is a powerful and intuitive programming and diagnostic tool. The Programmer  performs comprehensive programming and troubleshooting tasks for all vehicles that use Curtis programmable motor controllers or control systems.
Highly reliable solid state hour meters and counters that offer an unprecedented combination of patented technology, performance, reliability and value.
SW contactors
The SW contactors  has been designed for direct current loads,including motors as used on electric vehicles such as industrial trucks, and telecom and power distribution applications. Developed for both interrupted and uninterrupted loads, the SW is suitable for switching Resistive, Capacitive and Inductive loads.
Direction Contactors
The Direction Contactors  has been designed for direct current loads,particularly motors as used on electric vehicles such as industrial trucks. The Direction Contactor is a monoblock construction, resulting in a compact design which is compatible with modern electronic control systems. Developed for both interrupted and uninterrupted loads, the Direction contactor is suitable for switching Resistive, Capacitive and Inductive loads
The Emergency Disconnect  range of switches have been designed to provide a rapid means of disconnecting batteries or other power supplies in the event of serious electrical faults. Whilst the switches are primarily intended for use with battery powered vehicles they are also suitable for use with static power systems. All types are capable of safely rupturing full load battery currents in the event of an emergency.
Curtis Model 1420 is a high efficiency DC/DC converter designed to provide a reliable and regulated low voltage output for battery-powered vehicle accessories.
Curtis safety beacons are designed for applications ranging from pallet trucks; construction and airport equipment; agricultural equipment; and forklift trucks - internal combustion or electric powered.
The multi-voltage audible alarms are designed to protect people working in proximity to material handling equipment and other types of vehicles. Available in voltages from 12 V to 72 V
The Electronic Code Switch is designed for safe machine control and to help prevent unauthorized access use of the machine.
Curtis Model FP foot pedals are designed andmanufactured to achieve unprecedented reliability in off-highway vehicles.Curtis foot pedals provide a wide variety of mechanical solutions and easyintegration with Curtis motor controllers.
Electronic Throttle is specifically designed for mobility aids applications which utilize a wig-wag throttle.
The “TEMO TARCAN” is designed and produced for use as a control handle in industrial- and pallet-trucks. It receives user requests like  Direction and speed  Lift/lowering Horn, creep-speed, user defined functions  Emergency reverse button and passes them to a higher-level safety system (motor control). Data transmission from the control handle to the motor control is realized by CAN.